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Embracing the Seasons of Change with Mindfulness

mindfulness positive living Oct 23, 2023
Embracing change with mindfulness.

It is an absolutely gorgeous time of year in Pennsylvania!

The beautiful multicolored leaves in the trees as I walk the woods provide a serene backdrop for mindfulness.

But other signs of change make it a bit more challenging to embrace this change, and the complete darkness experienced at 6 a.m., as well as the cool crisp air that makes it difficult to want to get out of my cozy, warm bed. These are all signs that my favorite time of year is gone, and it is time to experience something new.

I choose to embrace and see the beauty of the fall and try not to get caught up in what is coming after fall, winter my least favorite season, a practice in mindfulness.

Is this not a metaphor for life?

Is there a season changing in your life?

How you see it and greet it impacts how you experience it.

This week, I encourage you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings about this change.

Furthermore, be aware if you are experiencing the present moment or looking into the future and bracing yourself for what is yet to come.

Change is inevitable. It is the natural flow of life. Do your best to drop the resistance and flow with the change. In doing so, you minimize your suffering. Have a week of flow, my friends, guided by the principles of mindfulness!

Are you stuck in a holding pattern? Are you struggling to make a change or accept change?

Let's chat and see if my trademarked coaching process gram is right for you!

Book your no-obligation breakthrough with me now, and let's explore the benefits of mindfulness in navigating change!


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