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Shifting Perspectives for Stress-Free Living

gentle reflection mindfulness monday mindful moments Aug 15, 2023
Shifting Perspectives

Are you feeling tossed around by life? Always something that creates stress and challenge? The next time you feel this way, instead of focusing on the problem or challenge, change your perspective to "what do I desire overall?" I don't want you concentrating on the "how" only focus on the desire. I know it’s difficult as you are in the throes of feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, with the practice of living fully present and aware of how you feel mentally and emotionally free of judgment you are better equipped to recognize and change your thoughts. Calm actually equates to clarity.

You may be able to change your thoughts rapidly while living in the moment; other times you may need to do a centering exercise, like the one provided, to re-align your thoughts. Remember to focus on living fully present in this moment in time, and focus only on what you desire. By staying focused on the desire, you are keeping yourself open to all possibilities to solve the problem, and bring your desired outcome. Of course, this also means living fully aware of what feels right as far as action is concerned to aid the desired result.

Use this link for a 10-minute clear the clutter and raise the vibration exercise:

Living in the flow,


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