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Ever feel like your burden is too heavy?

meditation Jun 16, 2023

Inspired by the February 7th DailyOm, at times I find myself feeling laden with life’s burdens.  Whether it is worry, fear, stress, or responsibilities, just to name a few, I choose to use the power of my mind to visualize.  I imagine raising my face up to a beautiful light shining down upon me and as I soak in the light I feel the warmth not only on my face but allow my mind to experience the sensation of the warmth throughout my body as though it is entering every pore in my skin.  I invite the light into my heart, opening it up to graciously receive the energy of the Divine filling me up like a pitcher of water.  As I experience my visualization, I ask for assistance for something larger than myself to release this burden sensation from my physical body.  I allow the power of my experience to fill me with a sense of radiant lightness.  I bask in this connection and relief for a few moments.

I invite you to try it and see if you can experience this feeling of releasement.


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