Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method

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Are you living out your “Why”? What does that even mean?

anxiety embrace the power within empowerment stress management May 03, 2022

This past weekend I attended the TEDx Event in Wilmington, DE. It was beautiful to hear such diverse speakers living out their “Why.”   

I will never forget 20+ years ago when I began my self-exploratory journey, and my mentor said something to the effect, “Don’t go searching for life purpose but live life with purpose.”    

That simple statement helped me to recognize that I am living out my purpose every moment of my life; whether it is being a business owner, a coach, a mother, a wife, or a friend (to name a few roles), I am part of the greater whole and make an impact simply with my presence.  

This week I challenge you to live with greater intent. Be more aware of the present moment and live a life aligned with what feels right to you. Allow yourself to express to the world who you indeed are and how you desire to love and serve. In doing so, you begin living your “why.”   Need assistance in discovering, developing, or evolving your sense of self and purpose? Respond Yes, and I’ll send you a link to schedule a no-obligation call with me to discuss how my 4R program can unlock your “why” and zest for life!    

Just read what Dan said about working with me: “I have learned more about myself in the past 6 months than I have the previous 40 years.  And without really exploring who I am and how I needed to change or improve myself nothing else really matters.  Working on myself is leading me to be better in every aspect of my life, as a father, son, friend, employer, brother, all that I am can benefit from me gaining these new skills I’ve tapped into because of you.   This is why as long as you continue to be in practice, I plan on seeing you on a consistent basis.  You are the best and my appreciation and love for you will last forever. Thank you for everything.”  

Have a beautiful week, and live purposefully, Nancy  


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