Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Do you ever feel like life experiences suck you in?

gentle reflection Dec 06, 2021

We often allow the world around us to influence and change how we feel in the present moment. A life experience can change how we see ourselves, others, and the world around us within minutes.When life experiences wear you down, and you find yourself losing interest in trying to be positive, recognize that at that moment, you are one with what you don’t want.

You can maintain a positive mindset amidst the chaos by practicing the art of detachment.So what do I mean? During stressful life situations, be self-aware of your emotions, thoughts, and/ or bodily sensations. All hold wisdom that you are attached to the experience. At that moment, pause, ask yourself these questions with curiosity and non-judgment:

· What do I want to happen?

· How do I genuinely want to feel?

· Can I imagine a win-win for all?

· Can I choose to feel at peace with the here and now, maintaining a positive intention for myself and all?

In close, when you find yourself activating a stress response within this week, be self-aware, stop and take a detached stance and choose a better feeling, emotion and thought. Notice how changing your perception changes the experience.

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