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How I Eliminated My IBS with a Simple Technique

embrace the power within self discovery Oct 25, 2021

If you’ve ever suffered from IBS, then you know the agony it causes. How you always worry about what you eat so, you don’t upset your gut.

How much the pain and embarrassment it causes in your life. Learn this simple method I used to eradicate it from my body.

But first, I have a poem that came from one of my clients. She is a wellness coach, and we both subscribe to

If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a beautiful website that has daily high vibrational and inspirational messages and courses.

They keep you thinking, support your journey, and Madison Taylor, I believe, is the co-founder of DailyOm. She often writes on inspirational thoughts and poems.

I want to share one that was shared with me by one of my clients.

I love it because it resonates with both of us. We both
held our emotions in our bellies as a young child.

I battled with IBS like nobody’s business that back in my day we didn’t call it IBS. I don’t know if they even labeled it as such.

My mom said it was something I was going to have to live with forever. I’m so grateful for my Awakening and my practice of Stillness and connection because I have liberated myself from that condition.

No more IBS.

You’ll learn more about me and my story if you choose to work with me. It’s phenomenal, and it’s again learning how to speak the language of cells.

So today, I wanted to share a snippet from that article.

Our bellies can be wonderful monitors. Emotional health. The truths can always be found there.
Emotions belong to express gets stored in the body.
Instead of being expressed. Madisyn Taylor

The belly is one of our primary areas where we store all these feelings that we consider wrong.

That is about ourselves or towards others. Over time we know that that mental and emotional component begins to show up in physicality.

It is showing up as IBS, being overweight, battling with belly weight, and struggling with all sorts of other gut issues. It’s fascinating.

No emotion is wrong. It’s just an emotion.
They come and go, but they don’t define us. Emotions act as monitors of where we are on our emotional scale.

Knowing that emotion is dictating our thoughts and our thoughts create a reality and our perception of our existence.

So we want to master those. And to do that we have to turn inward. We need to begin to practice self-awareness.

That’s how I liberated myself from my IBS.

An exercise I’d like to share with you to help heal your IBS is quite simple. It’s not a complicated process of sitting in Stillness for hours on end waiting for enlightenment.

It’s simply learning to tune into our cellular language.

So in your quiet space of Stillness, rub your belly and ask what emotions need to be revealed?

You want to start to build that trust with that connection. Say I hear you. I honor you.
What are you trying to tell?

And you wait and feel and see.
We are our best experts. And we’re highly intuitive beings.

We can’t dive in there if we have lots and lots of chatter and lots of lots of cloudiness. We need to be still.

But rest assure the mind is designed to think, so you’re not going to wait for this empty mind.

You want to foster a relationship and get that mind body and spirit connection.

But do it lovingly and compassionately because we are all broken. We are all battling deep emotion.

There is no good, bad, right, wrong emotion. It just is. And it’s slow.
Just as it comes in, it goes out until next time.

I hope this tip was helpful.
If you don’t have a Stillness practice, that’s ok because it’s not intimidating.

Reach out to me. I’ll help you. I’ll show you how to get started.

Book a Free 30-minute call and let’s chat on how I can help you.

I honor you. In love and light!

How I Eliminated My IBS with a Simple Technique



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