Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Mindfully Managing Stress: Empower Your Life

Mar 14, 2023

You are not a victim of circumstance. Do not succumb to the energy around you if it is not aligned with the energy within you. Remember, you always have a choice. Bringing your awareness to this choice is the beginning of claiming your empowerment.

Living mindfully aware is a cultivated habit, not an automatic process. Being conscious of how you show up is a process that requires a decision.

As you go about your day, live in awareness of how you feel physically in your body, the thoughts you are thinking, and the emotions you are experiencing. You are responsible for these, no one else. You may not have a choice in an external situation, but you have a choice about your attitude toward it.

Weather the storms of life as the creator of your life experiences!

Today I encourage you to create a day of purpose. Greet yourself right where you are – Ask yourself what you need to change from a victim to circumstance to a creator of your reality. Here are just a few examples of what I’m referring to:

Do I need to encourage myself to have courage?

Do I need to cultivate neutrality?

Can I experience a feeling of joy?

It’s your choice – you hold the power to create your experience! Power lies in awareness! What are you choosing?

Find yourself in a rut and ready to learn how to cultivate another way of living?

Schedule your breakthrough call with me, and let’s see if my program is right for you!

Breakthrough Call!!

Mindfully yours,



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