Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Jun 16, 2023

I would like to share something that I received several years ago from The Spirit School for Intuitive Arts, it is called Change.
“Change- what a wonderful thing. Regardless of the feelings around the word itself or the activity it portrays, it’s a good thing, a positive thing- a sign of movement, progress, advancement- life moving on, change taking place- within and without. And not in isolation does change occur. A shift or change in one person creates waves of change in the universe.
Be a catalyst for good. Make change that stimulates positive energy. Be change, make change, embrace change. Act upon- don’t just think about- you have the ability to change and create change. Any change when executed from a loving place in your heart and not the judging place of your mind, will have far reaching benefits throughout the universe. Starting with you!”
Embracing Change,


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