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Create A Life You Design Not One of Default - Monday Mindful Moments

Would you like to kick off your week with inspiration and insightful tools & techniques to help you navigate life's challenges with grace and ease? Would you like to receive exclusive videos, webinar, offers and much much more?! As a special THANK YOU, I'll send you over one of my favorite meditations as well. 

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What Do I Bring To You?

Over 25 years ago, I was the owner of a thriving insurance agency, in a dysfunctional marriage, had one child and another on the way and absolutely no idea who I really was.   My anxiety was slowly picking up speed and I could feel the train wreck getting ready to happen.

I was like a chameleon. I could be whatever you wanted me to be.  Whether it was what society, and loved ones thought I should be or what I thought I should be, self-imposed expectations, beliefs or conditioning.

 I realized that not knowing or understanding myself meant I was leading an inauthentic life.  I truly believe that this lack of understanding was a contributing factor to my anxiety, emptiness and unhappiness.  How could I change anything in my outer world if I didn’t understand and know my inner world?  So, I started a quest for my own sense of truth.

 I read a ton of books, took all kinds of meditation, yoga and energy work classes. Trained with some of the most renowned teachers like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. David Hawkins and Marc Lesser.

As I began a new way of living for myself my friends and family saw this amazing transformation take place.  Some even thought I had a face lift I looked so radiant!

People began asking me to share my “secret sauce”, I was so excited!  I was not only living my authenticity but living with purpose and passion!  Sharing with others my new way of living.  I could not imagine living my life from any other space! 

Little did I know, my newfound way of living would be my life raft through some of my biggest life challenges including messy divorce, and the short sell of my home.      

Hence the birth of my business Awaken with Light Inc in 2006. Since then I have taken all the years of training and application in my own life, as well as working with 100’s of men and women and developed my revolutionary system called Rewire and Radiate.

Learn More About Nancy Gentle Boudrie