Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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When is the last time you belly laughed?

Apr 03, 2022

Sometimes I find myself getting caught in life’s seriousness.  Can you relate?

This weekend I was diligently working on a corporate account presentation. I felt myself getting way in the weeds of overwhelm and reminded myself to come out of the weeds and climb up to the hilltop!

Sure, life has moments that deserve this characteristic, but maybe a little less seriousness might promote or initiate creativity and a fresh perspective.
This week I encourage you to remind yourself to lighten up.  We benefit immensely by bringing playful energy to our lives.

Enjoy a week of inviting some belly laughs and lightheartedness to your life!

Live self-aware of when you need to bring some playfulness and fun to your mental and emotional state of being.  This state of being isn’t negating or playing down your responsibilities- quite the contrary. 

So lighten up!

Blessings to you from my heart to yours,


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