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Cultivating Happiness Within

Jun 19, 2023
Cultivating Happiness

Often in the pursuit of spiritual or personal growth, the tendency is to pick ourselves apart, focusing on what makes us unhappy. We analyze and scrutinize the cause, triggers, and cycles that create the sensation of unhappiness. Maybe our energies would be better spent if we take note of what makes us happy.

Think about how we feel in the moments we are experiencing joy or happiness. Living mindfully aware of how we feel physically in our bodies and where our thoughts are as we feel the emotion of happiness.

By residing in this awareness of what it’s like to be happy, we can better recreate a sensation of joy in the present moment when we feel something other than happiness. Just as there are triggers for anger and sadness, there are triggers for happiness. Can you think of something that brings you joy in the present moment? For instance, passing a homeless person and giving them a dollar, sending a text to a loved one with the simple words “I love you,” or even smiling and saying hello to someone. In these scenarios, the feeling of giving triggers the memory of a happiness response. It may not feel like a natural response at that moment. It can assist you in reconnecting to the feeling you naturally want to experience, thus fueling your thoughts to be more in alignment with what you want to attract in your life. By living in awareness of happiness in our lives and situations that we experience that elicits a sensation of joy, we feed, nurture, and attract more of it to us. In turn, it makes happiness a natural way of being.

Do you want to cultivate more healthy positivity in your life? Are you tired of being so negative?

Book your Breakthrough call with me!

You and everyone around you will be so happy you did!

Choosing to recreate Happiness in My Life,



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