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Embrace Positive Paths: A Mindful Moment

Jul 24, 2023
Embrace Positive Paths

Today's Mindful Moment is inspired by the growing pains I am experiencing as my business expands and I am charting new water for myself. During those times, I am constantly reminded in quiet meditative time to see the good that comes from every juncture and every path.

Each path takes you right where you need to be, the beauty and education that experience brings. Though that path may be difficult, there are always moments of optimism, fulfillment, and joy at the accomplishment if we choose to see it. Today choose to see the path in a more positive light.

Take it all in and be fully aware when one path ends and another begins. Do your best to stay In a mindful connected state of awareness and maintain the courage that comes from trusting the power within fueled by your inner light.

What I find helpful if I'm feeling fragile or vulnerable is to choose a soft gaze, connect to my breath and allow the feeling to be as it is. Turn towards the feeling with a kind observation of what is occurring. Accept the moment as it is.

Then I do my best to cultivate a connection to God and say to myself affirming statements like, may I invite peace-filled light to flow through me, around me, and emanate from me. May I be a beacon of light to serve a greater purpose? May I be shielded and protected by the light, to share my light, and not deplete my light?

As you go about your week, please reflect on the above and see challenges differently.

As always, I am here to support you in creating a life you design, filled with peace and happiness.

Mindfully yours,


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