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Love and Service

Jun 16, 2023

My desire is to be a conduit of Love and Service and to help myself and others fully connect to the Light.  Throughout my day when I want to feel connected to God, and the Christ consciousness I do an exercise like the one I have listed below.

I imagine my arms stretched out wide, my face lifted to the heavens and feet firmly planted to mother earth.  I envision letting go, totally surrendering, and letting God fill me with Divine Light at my heart center.  I breathe in and breathe out allowing the light to expand and radiate out from my heart filling my whole body, my energy field, and aura surrounding me.

I say to myself, “God go ahead of me and flow through me.  May I be a vessel of Love and Service for you and the entire Universe in 100% Light.”

Love and light,


Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of Awaken With Light, Inc., is a Reiki master and teacher as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner.

You may find her at, Twitter @AwakenWithLight, LinkedIn, and .


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