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Do you desire to live life from a balanced heart?

meditation Jun 16, 2023

As I reflect, during this month of love, I am drawn to examine the heart chakra.

The lower three chakras deal with individual energy such as survival, inner power, and the experience of joy. The upper chakras are all about engaging in creative expression and inspired bliss to live out our connection to the Divine or Source not only within but in our outer world. The heart is where these two aspects of self meet and merge; the mediator of ego and spirit.

Choosing to live life toward a balanced heart chakra, you free yourself from the “struggle” level of life and greet it with faith and trust in your connection to the bigger picture, the Divine or Source. Spend a few minutes thinking about what you love to do and allow yourself some time to actually do one or two of these things. Today, drop your guarded approach to your daily experiences. Life is filled with evidence of joy and kindness, with an awakened heart you will find yourself able to greet the world openly and feel the harmony between you and others.

Choosing to live life with an open heart,


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