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Be the Change You Wish to See

gentle reflection Jun 16, 2023

There is a familiar Gandhi quote that I’m sure you have heard which states, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Today, I ask that you challenge yourself to explore your inner world free of judgement.

What would you like to be experiencing here and now in your life?

Is it peace you seek? Then how can you be a conscious choice maker of peace in all that you think, speak and do? If you desire unconditional love, how can you radiate this quality for yourself in thoughts, words and actions to attract this love into your life experience?

Invite yourself to live in expansive awareness as you send this vibration within and without and notice what shows up in your life experience. The next time you say I wish there were more (fill in the blank) in the world — be that which you desire. You are responsible for your piece of the puzzle, the greater whole.

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Living what I wish to experience,

Nancy Gentle Boudrie


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