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Are You Your Own Best Friend? Here’s Why It Matters...

daily gratitude practice how to love yourself inner critic mindfulness mindfulness for mental well-being mindfulness for self-love overcoming self-criticism positive self-talk exercises quieting the inner critic self-compassion techniques self-love affirmations Oct 07, 2024

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to criticize yourself? We do it almost without thinking. “I’m not good enough at this,” or “I’ll never get it right.” It’s like there’s a constant critic lurking in the background, ready to belittle our efforts. But here’s the thing: how often do we stop and celebrate our small wins or speak kindly to ourselves?

Today, I invite you to take a moment to become aware of how you’re speaking to yourself. Are you quick to criticize, or are you kind and supportive, like you would be to a dear friend?

In our fast-paced world, it can feel almost unnatural to show ourselves love and appreciation. But just like any other relationship, your relationship with yourself needs nurturing. Mindfulness is a powerful tool that helps us tune into this inner dialogue. When we become aware of how often we’re tearing ourselves down, we can begin to shift our inner voice toward self-compassion.

Jenn’s Story

One of my clients, Jenn, shared her journey through this process:

“I recently completed the 90 Day Rewire & Radiate program. Nancy taught me how to see my truth and be set free. I became a witness, without judgment or expectation, to my thoughts, moods, feelings, and actions. Where I once felt stuck, I learned to move. Where I felt confused, clarity arose. Where I was lost, I was found.

It sounds big and mystical as I write this, but the process is simple and available to everyone. Nancy makes self-exploration feel like an adventure. I am forever changed.”

Jenn’s words are a testament to the power of becoming aware of our inner critic. The moment we become witnesses to our own thoughts, without judgment, we create the space to shift from self-loathing to self-love.

Notice Your Triggers

The first step is awareness. Take a moment to reflect: What triggers your inner critic? Is it when you make a mistake at work? When you look in the mirror? Or perhaps when you’re around certain people?

Once you recognize these triggers, practice responding with kindness instead of criticism. You might say, “It’s okay, everyone makes mistakes,” or “I’m doing the best I can.” These small shifts in how we talk to ourselves can make a world of difference.

Cultivating Self-Love: Simple Mindfulness Practices

Here are three ways you can start turning down the volume on that inner critic and fostering a mindset of self-love:

  1. Pause and Reflect: When you catch yourself being critical, pause. Take a deep breath. Then ask yourself, “Would I speak to my best friend this way?” Shift your tone toward compassion.
  2. Daily Gratitude: Start a practice of writing down three things you appreciate about yourself every day. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but over time, you’ll begin to see yourself in a more positive light.
  3. Mantras for Self-Compassion: Use affirmations like, “I am enough,” or “I am worthy of love,” especially during challenging moments. Repeating these phrases helps to rewire the mind and soften the inner critic.

Be Your Own Best Friend

Remember, self-love is not a luxury; it’s essential. You deserve the same kindness you so freely give to others. If you’re struggling to quiet that inner voice, I’m here to help.

Let’s work together on releasing the grip of self-criticism and cultivating a deeper, more loving relationship with yourself. Reply to this email to learn more about my 90 Day Rewire & Radiate program.


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