Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Being Aware of the Power of Thoughts

embrace the power within gentle reflection law of attraction mindfulness monday mindful moments self discovery Oct 12, 2021

Today notice how specific thoughts drain your energy and others uplift. Everything is energy. For instance, ever notice how anger and fear feel heavy and lower in vibrational frequency, and feelings like being ecstatic and filled with joy are a high, a buzz?

Did you know that science has shown that deep feelings spawned by an emotional trigger move through our body and are released in 90 seconds?  So, whatever happens to us and triggers us is over and gone in less than two minutes.

So, the way I see it, it’s not so much the experience or the circumstance that upsets us, it is our thoughts about “it” that make the experience or circumstance linger.  It’s our rumination that drains us.

Today, be mindfully aware of your thoughts and know you have a choice.  You can feel it and flush it or replay it over and over.

Need help? Schedule aBreakthrough call with me today!

Have an Uplifting week, Everyone!!


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