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Create, Step Into, and Grow

May 25, 2023

One of my favorite exercises to do when I am feeling a shift or change, a period of self-awareness that I am going through some growth, is something called “morning pages.” This exercise was introduced to me when I interviewed Julia Cameron on my Gentle Power Radio, Voice America radio show. The idea is to begin your day writing in a journal whatever comes to mind. These thoughts do not need to be complete sentences just allow your consciousness to flow out on paper. This exercise can have a profound and transformational impact. So much so that Julia has sold millions of copies of her book The Artist’s Way.

Use a tool such as a daily inspirational book, a deck of daily cards, or an app can offer direction for your journaling. For some this can easily turn into a to-do list for the day, release that tendency and explore self and where your thoughts reside.

I began my morning pages at the start of the New Year allowing myself to process the close of last year and journal my intentions for this New Year. I am finding it to be helpful in assisting me with understanding myself in the present moment. I have also incorporated my gratitude journal in with this process. This practice may help you to understand yourself, your dreams, your desires, your fears, what makes you tick. In doing so, for your eyes only free of judgment, you can begin to recognize you hold the power to be the master of your own destiny. You choose what you want to let go of and what you want to step into and grow. It begins with allowing yourself to start with a stream of consciousness and understanding of one’s self as you embark on this new calendar year. I found it very useful and beneficial to expanding my awareness and greeting each moment with a more laser-focused intention.

I would love to know how this works for you, feel free to comment and let me know.

I am the Co-Creator of my Life experience,

Nancy Gentle Boudrie



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