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Embrace Change: Discover Endless Possibilities 🌟

May 20, 2024
Mindfulness Reiki healing

This week's message centers around a beautiful concept that I learned several years ago at The Spirit School for Intuitive Arts: Change.

Change – what a wonderful thing. Regardless of the feelings around the word itself or the activity it portrays, it’s a good thing, a positive thing – a sign of movement, progress, advancement – life moving on, change taking place – within and without. And not in isolation does change occur. A shift or change in one person creates waves of change in the universe.

Change is inevitable. Life is always evolving, always changing. I invite you to explore the following statement honestly and free of judgment: “How do I feel about change?”

Do you meet it with resistance with sentences like, “This is the way we have always done it,” or “It has never been done that way. That won’t work,” or even “I don’t like xyz. I’m not comfortable doing xyz.”?

Embracing Beginner’s Mind

This week, I encourage you to allow this moment to be seen from what we call a beginner’s mind.

Beginner’s Mind:

  • Cultivating a mind open to new possibilities.
  • Seeing things as if for the first time, free from preconceived notions.
  • Avoiding getting stuck in one's own expertise and remaining receptive.

When you begin to observe what is here in the present moment, the thinking mind tends to believe it knows all about what is happening, or it tries to control what is happening by desperately seeking more information. The activity of thinking forms a kind of filter between you and the direct experience and true richness of life as it unfolds moment by moment.

To practice beginner’s mind means to open to the experience in each moment as if meeting it for the first time. Imagine the wonder of a child as she encounters something for the first time. The first smell of a flower, the first drop of rain, the first taste of an orange; all are experienced without the intermediate layer of thought or comparison to the past. These moments are experienced just as they are, in the now, directly, as smell or touch or taste, as sound or sight.

In truth, each moment is unique. Though you may have experienced a thousand sunsets, you have not experienced this particular sunset. The same is true the hundredth time you taste your favorite dessert. This particular taste have never happened before and will never happen again. When practicing mindfulness, you are asked to cultivate this same quality of direct experience, receiving whatever arises as a unique and precious experience. To do this is to practice beginner’s mind.

This week, greet the present moment with a beginner’s mind. Allow this moment to evolve. There is endless possibility greater than what you can imagine if we allow change to unfold. Trust in the evolution.

Exciting News!

I am happy to announce that my website has received a facelift!  Go check it out  – there’s lots of free material to enjoy! As always, I am here to help you create a life you design, not one of default! Stay tuned for some wonderful things evolving and changing at Awaken With Light Inc.



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