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Embrace Transformation: Your Mindful Moments Will Now Be on Tuesdays!

Jan 15, 2024
Mental health

I hope this message finds you well! I want to begin by genuinely thanking you for being a part of my community and supporting me as I share my passion and purpose! As have January, it has been 19 years since I opened my doors to the public!

As we embark on a new week in this new year, I wanted to share some exciting changes to our Monday Mindful Moments – they're moving to Tuesdays! Starting next week, you can catch a refreshing video every Monday on my social media platforms – LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. If we're not already connected there, let's change that! You'll find the links at the bottom of this email.

Now, let's dive into today’s Mindful Moment.

If you're yearning for something new and transformative in 2024, the power lies within you to turn that desire into your reality. It's about embodying the change you wish to see in the world.

I know, it might sound like a familiar mantra, but bear with me as I unpack what this truly means for you.

Begin by shifting your perspective on experiences and circumstances. Notice the emotions and sensations that your thoughts generate. Challenge yourself to be curious, for it is curiosity that expands the lens through which you interpret the world around you. It is the awareness that facilitates lasting change.

Thoughts and feelings are the driving force behind our actions. If you're seeking more love in your life, try showing kindness to someone you might usually overlook. Practice compassion and reduce judgment towards those with different walks of life or viewpoints.

As we find ourselves a few weeks into the new year, it's a perfect time to reflect. Check if you're slipping into old patterns, habits, or thoughts. Change is a gradual process, and awareness is the first step. Invite curiosity to guide you and, as Gandhi wisely said, be the change you wish to see in the world.

If you're feeling stuck or yearning for a transformation, let me lend a hand through one of my signature programs. No more enduring – it's time to thrive! Let's make 2024 the year you sculpt the life you truly want to live.

Ready to take the leap? Schedule a call with me and let's embark on this journey together.

Here's to your transformation!



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