Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Mindfully Navigating Fear

Aug 04, 2022

Today’s Mindful Moment is observing the feeling of fear

Fear is an emotion that is primal and essential to our survival. 

We can gain excitement and energy from it; for instance, some folks love those movies classified as horror flicks. But there is also the emotional state that can create uncomfortable, anxious, and debilitating experiences.  

It is this unpleasant emotional state of being that mindful meditation can help you navigate your way through it.   Mindfulness assists you in leaning into fear. 
The goal is not to avoid it, but to be with the experience fear.  

Begin by recognizing that you are experiencing fear in the present moment, and then, as best you can, name it.  In doing so, you place a bit of distance between the actual sensation and the experience of fear.  You become the witness of it instead of being entangled in it. 

As fearful thoughts continue to arise, sit with them and see what happens when you hold your ground and let the fear rise in your mind.

From this space, you can begin to see and feel that that fear does not control you.   
You see it for what it is and notice its effects on your body and mind.  It is from this “allowing” space that the fear will begin to subside.  

Many times, you will find a quiet sense of confidence within.  A sense of inner peace will start to present itself.  

Some more profound, pesky fears may take some time to release, but again, I encourage you to greet yourself with love, compassion, and kindness.  It takes time to change thoughts that have created beliefs engrained in the mind.

Join me this week, and let’s lean into our fears, allow them to be, and recognize we are more than our fears.

As always, I am here to support you; if you want to explore this in more depth, do reach out.

Your guide to inner peace,



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