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Nourish Your Soul with the Power of Breath

conscious breathing benefits deepak chopra vagus nerve emotional balanace guided meditation mental well-being mindful breathing mindfulness practice relaxation techniques stress reduction techniques vagus nerve activation Aug 12, 2024

This week, I discovered a new layer of joy in my mindfulness practice, exploring guided meditations designed to activate the vagus nerve. One series I found particularly enriching is The Hidden Power of the Vagus Nerve by Deepak Chopra. It’s a gentle yet powerful reminder of the beautiful connection our breath has with our well-being.

This week’s Gentle Mindful Moment invites you to bring your awareness to the beauty of your breath.

Our breath is more than just a life-sustaining function; it is the key to regulating the vital life force energy within our bodies, profoundly influencing how we feel mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Research supports that controlled breathing is one of the simplest and most effective remedies for daily stress. By stimulating the vagus nerve, conscious breathing sends a signal of relaxation to the brain, allowing us to navigate our days with greater ease and peace.

Imagine just 5 to 10 minutes of conscious breathing—a practice so simple yet so transformative—reducing your stress and improving your sleep. I encourage you this week to set aside time to connect with your breath. Close your eyes, breathe in and out through your nose, and simply be. When thoughts arise, which they inevitably will, allow them to drift by like passing clouds. Remember, our minds are designed to think. We are not aiming to eliminate thoughts but to observe them without attachment. Each moment you practice stillness will offer you a unique experience, a nourishing break for your mind, body, and spirit.

If you find this practice resonates with you and you are eager to explore more techniques that can improve your life, I’m here to guide you. With over 18 years of experience coaching professionals and organizations, I’ve helped countless individuals manage stress, overcome burnout, and find a harmonious balance between work and life. Creating a life you design and enjoy living can be as simple as breathing—once you learn the basics.

Becky G., a recent client, beautifully captures the essence of this journey in her testimonial:

"Nancy told me that we would reach a point where many of these mindfulness techniques would become second nature. Boy, was she right! Not only am I the happiest and most at peace I’ve ever been, but I also find myself naturally working through any stressors and embracing my emotions before they get out of control. (I've even discovered I use these tools subconsciously in my dreams!)"

You can read more success stories like Becky’s on my website. If you’re ready to create a life of peace of mind, productivity, prosperity, and peak performance, I invite you to schedule a call with me today. Let’s embark on this journey together.

Wishing you a week filled with nourishing breaths and peaceful moments.


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