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Reset and Recharge: Master Your Work/Life Balance

personal development reiki healing spirituality stress management Jun 18, 2024
Mental health

This past week, I took some much-needed time to reset and recharge. Life has a way of pulling us into the rat race, making us feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Taking a pause isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Have you ever felt like life is pulling you in multiple directions at once? That’s exactly where I found myself. I was on a high from achieving my goals and eager to keep pushing forward, setting ambitious targets for both my business and personal life. But life’s curveballs kept coming, distracting me at every turn. It was practicing mindfulness that helped me regain control.

It often feels like the perfect storm, where life seems to be running you instead of the other way around.

Have you experienced this too?

I kept thinking:
"I'll get on top of this."
"This situation is only temporary, just a bit longer, and it will all balance out."
"This is necessary right now, but I'll gain control over it."

But, I realized I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

Today, as you read this post, I ask you to observe what is occurring in your life at present. With no judgment, just curiosity, ask yourself: Am I falling victim to the demands in my life, or am I using the power of mindfulness to regain control?

I encourage you to do what I have been doing since this sensation came to my awareness. Take a pause. Be aware. Take a couple of breaths and connect within using the techniques of mindfulness.

Then ask yourself questions like:

  • What is a priority?
  • Is this the best use of my time?
  • Will it assist me in achieving my goals from a balanced perspective?
  • How does this feel to me?
  • Is this how I want to show up in my life?

Allow yourself to just be with yourself and explore.

In doing so, you take back your power. Sure, there are times we will come off the rails; it happens to all of us. But the power lies not only in the awareness but in the pause.

The power of the pause resets and realigns you to move faithfully forward from a balanced state of being, thanks to the positive impact of mindfulness.

If you are interested in learning skills to maintain focus and concentration and navigate work/life balance to peak performance, reach out and I’ll share more. Group coaching classes are forming. Is life running you? Or are you running your life?

Let me know if you find this email helpful. I always like to know if you found value in my content. 😊

Remember, if you ever want to explore my trademarked methodology to see if it is a good fit for you, I am here and genuinely want to help! Let me show you how to "Create a Life You Design, not one of Default!" Schedule your breakthrough call today! 


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