Unlock the Power Within – Transform Your Life Today
Jul 08, 2024
Welcome to This Week's Gentle Mindful Moment!
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Uncommodified Podcast, hosted by Tim Windsor. If you wish to listen to this interview in its entirety, for your convenience. As always, I appreciate a like and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
In our discussion, Tim and I delved into the profound journey of self-improvement and personal growth. I knew it would be a wonderful topic to share in this week’s Gentle Moment of Mindfulness. Here are some of the key areas of focus:
- Understanding the Unseen Mechanisms in Our Life: Discovering your unique scripts running in the background of your mind that influence reactions and behaviors. Recognizing these scripts is crucial for living mindfully aware and personal growth and evolution.
- Self-Discovery Practices: Engaging in self-exploration practices helps in understanding oneself better, emphasizing the significance of these practices in personal growth. I share a couple of my favorite practices!
- How Working with Mentors/Coaches Helped Me: I also share how learning from experts like Dr. John Kabat-Zinn has shaped my personal growth and lead to the development of my trademarked coaching Methodology, the Pathway to Inner Peace featuring the 4R Method.
- The Influence of Emotions and Perceptions in Our Lives: Understanding the connection between emotions, thoughts, and perceptions is vital. This insight opens the door to more mindful and positive thinking patterns. In this episode, I walk the listener through a six-step process for processing difficult emotions, empowering you to achieve emotional resilience and well-being. By embracing the challenge of releasing what no longer serves, embracing your uniqueness, you positively impact those around you!
- Creating and Living a Life by Design: Breaking free from unconscious habits that are the default mechanism in our lives to intentional living is truly liberating!!! Creating a life aligned with your values and aspirations, thus empowering you to take control of your life’s direction.
These key insights can transform your life from living in default mode to living consciously aware of your unconscious programming. In doing so you Create a Life You Design! IA Life You Love Living! I share how everything I teach I personally have used and continue to use in my life. It is about walking the walk and talking the talk.
If this resonates with you, I encourage you to take the time to listen to the full episode here. Tim and I would be most appreciative if you would like, share, and subscribe to our channels! Uncommodified and Awaken With Light Inc.
If you’re inspired and ready for a deeper dive into creating a life by design, book a breakthrough call with me today. Summertime is the perfect time for self-growth—take advantage of our summer savings now!
I am cheering you on!
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