Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Unlock Inner Calm: Address, Don't Suppress

mental health personal development reiki healing spirituality stress management Jul 01, 2024

A gentle reminder this week - that when negative thoughts arise, addressing them rather than suppressing them is best. We have been taught that negative thoughts and feelings are bad. When we repress emotions that we feel are bad, they don’t go away; they just get buried deep within our unconscious mind and become memorized emotional patterns.

I encourage you to allow yourself to honor all thoughts and emotions. You are human, and the human experience includes all types of emotions.  

Instead of blocking out thoughts and feelings that we label as negative, allow them instead to be observed. I share with my clients the analogy of watching a show or movie play out on the TV or the movie screen. Try your best to greet the experience with curiosity and non-judgment. 

Try not to fear these thoughts and emotions. Remember, they do not define who we are; these thoughts and emotions only indicate our state of mind. 

You hold the power to change that state of mind. Sometimes it requires patience, love, and compassion. Other times you can be resilient and move through these thoughts and emotions with grace and ease. 

One technique I found helpful is saying love and kindness statements to myself, and if it involves another person, I imagine saying these statements to them:

May you be safe and protected.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy and strong.
May you live in this world peacefully and with ease.

Always remember your life is a journey, and we get better at what we practice most.

Do you find yourself caught in repetitive negative thoughts and worse-case scenarios? I can show you a proven way to beat rumination and create a state of peace and calm for yourself. It’s complex breaking cycles on your own—allow my 20 years of expertise to help you. Everything I teach I personally used to stop the madness! Summer is the perfect time to spend time on yourself. Schedule your breakthrough call today!


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