Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Hello and Welcome to 2024!

Jan 01, 2024
Corporate wellness

I’m so happy you are joining me as we embark on this New Year! 

As many of you know, my new year starts on my birthday. 

But as I leaned into the close of the year with my clients and felt the energy shift during the winter solstice, I knew 2024 would be a new chapter for me and the collective. 

The shift was palpable for me. Do you feel it as well? 

We all experience and process differently. Such unknown, uncomfortable feelings trigger the “Doer” in me. I want to form goals, tasks, and lists. In the past, I wanted to fix, do, or get it done.

I now mindfully observe that tendency and instead choose to take what I call a Sacred Pause. I call it a sacred pause because it is a choice to stop and drop into my sacred connection with my Source, God. 

It is in this sacred stillness I ask the question, “God show me. May I live mindfully aware of how best I can serve you for my highest good and the good of others?” “How may I serve my passion and purpose.”

I breathe. I breathe through the present moment, the unknown, the uncharted – choosing to “Be”. To “Be” with what is present. I observe all the thoughts passing through as well as the emotions that I am feeling. 

I choose to cultivate a mindset of optimism, hopefulness, and excitement. I don’t have to know all the ins and outs of where life is taking me in 2024.

I choose only to set a clear intention To Love, Serve, and Live By Example With Passion and Purpose. This phrase is my mantra as I kick off this New Year! 

Join me in taking a sacred moment to pause and set your intention. Feel into it. How can you best serve?

Is this the year you want to explore working with me? Let me assist you in living with passion and purpose.

Book your no-obligation call and let’s see how I can best serve you. I have made it my mission for over 18 years to transform lives using all the tools I personally used for my transformation! I would love to share them all with you!



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