Reiki Healing, Training and Classes

Are You Ready To

Clear, Strengthen, and Heal

Your energy pathways, allowing the force to flow in a healthy and natural way?

Reiki Service
Reiki Training

Reiki May Be Exactly What You Are Looking For

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing, and works with the vital life force energy that sustains all living
beings. When the flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues in the body. Reiki replenishes the body’s energy by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. Reiki clears, strengthens, and heals the energy
pathways, thus allowing the force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

Book Your One Hour Session Now!
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Reiki Is Designed To Support Healing

Reiki works with the vital life force energy that sustains all life. Reiki may be beneficial if you are currently experiencing any of these...

* Insomnia

* Depression

* Overall Wellness

* Relaxation

* Pain Relief

* Spiritual Growth

* Enhance the Immune System

* Increased Creativity and Intuition

* The Grieving Process 

* Hospice Support & Care

* Stress and Anxiety

* Complements Other Modalities of Healing

Reiki may be the support & relief you need.

Book Your One Hour Session Now!
Hands holding up clear globe with lights symbolizing positive energy during Reiki session

Maybe You Are Looking to Simply Relax

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and
around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and
spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. The introduction of the BioMat, used for all in-
person sessions, offers an enhanced Reiki experience. Using a blend of Amethysts, far infrared rays, and negative ions, the BioMat not only amplifies the Reiki energy, it provides non-invasive access to deep tissues. A 60 minutes
session may be just what you need to re-energize!

Book Your One Hour Session Now!

You May Be in Need of Healing or Guidance

Nancy’s intuitive gifts make for a unique Reiki experience offered by few others. Through the use of her gifts, in conjunction with Reiki, she is able to communicate guidance that assists with facilitating the healing process. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of alternative medicine. As it is found to be
effective in many illnesses, surgeries pre and post-op, hospice relief, and pain
management, it is a complementary option to standard medical or therapeutic
care. The BioMat, as discussed above, brings the Reiki experience to a whole
new level.

Here's What's Included:

 60 Minute Reiki Session 

 A Channeled Message Received From Source (If You Are Open To That)

 Angel Oracle Card Pulled In Advance For Your Session

* In Person (At My Office), Long Distance Reiki Online, Travel Options Available (Pricing TBD)

Person holding arms in the air over a sunset on the water
Reiki trainer and master Nancy Gentle Boudrie

Would you like to learn Reiki healing?

Allow me to share a practice very near and dear to my heart. Whether you feel called to pursue a path as a Reiki energy practitioner or enhance your personal growth and development, my programs provide the necessary support, guidance, and expertise to help you feel confident in your abilities.

I provide comprehensive Usui Reiki certification training designed to equip you with essential knowledge, tools, and skills to establish a solid foundation for your Reiki practice.

I offer all levels of training as well as guidance to support your application of the skills and knowledge after the training.

Contact Me To Learn More

Meet Nancy Gentle Boudrie

Your Reiki Master and Teacher

Over 25 years ago, I was the owner of a thriving insurance agency, in a dysfunctional marriage, had one child and another on the way and absolutely no idea who I really was.   My anxiety was slowly picking up speed and I could feel the train wreck getting ready to happen.

I was like a chameleon. I could be whatever you wanted me to be.  Whether it was what society, and loved ones thought I should be or what I thought I should be, self-imposed expectations, beliefs or conditioning.

 I realized that not knowing or understanding myself meant I was leading an inauthentic life.  I truly believe that this lack of understanding was a contributing factor to my anxiety, emptiness and unhappiness.  How could I change anything in my outer world if I didn’t understand and know my inner world?  So, I started a quest for my own sense of truth.

 I read a ton of books, took all kinds of meditation, yoga and energy work classes. Trained with some of the most renowned teachers like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. David Hawkins and Marc Lesser.

As I began a new way of living for myself my friends and family saw this amazing transformation take place.  Some even thought I had a face lift I looked so radiant!

People began asking me to share my “secret sauce”, I was so excited!  I was not only living my authenticity but living with purpose and passion!  Sharing with others my new way of living.  I could not imagine living my life from any other space! 

Little did I know, my newfound way of living would be my life raft through some of my biggest life challenges including messy divorce, and the short sell of my home.      

Hence the birth of my business Awaken with Light Inc in 2006. Since then I have taken all the years of training and application in my own life, as well as working with 100’s of men and women and developed my revolutionary system called Rewire and Radiate.

Learn More About Nancy Gentle Boudrie

The Transformative Results My Reiki Clients Experience


Karen H.

I have been receiving Nancy’s powerful weekly mindful moments emails for years and recently decided to work with her Rewire and Radiate program.  It has been a life changing experience! Each session is filled with insight, compassion and guidance on how to tune into my body, live in awareness and achieve mental clarity with any situation that may arise both professionally and personally.   The Reiki sessions have made my heart and mind feel lighter and more at ease.  Nancy’s enthusiasm is contagious, her commitment to her clients is unwavering and her techniques and “tools” to help live a life that I design has certainly put me on the path to being the best version of myself!  Take the time to work with Nancy, you are worth it!


“I recently completed the 90 Day Rewire & Radiate program.  Whether you call it wellness, awareness, mindfulness, consciousness, enlightenment, or presence it’s all the same thing. It is TRUTH. Nancy taught me how to see my truth and thus be set free. I became witness, without judgement or expectation, to my thoughts, moods, feelings and actions. I began to see how I created my own suffering and learned how to change from victim to victor. Where I once felt stuck, I learned to move. Where I felt confused, clarity arose. Where I was lost, found. It’s sounds big and mystical as I write this, but the process is simple and is available to everyone.

Nancy makes self-exploration feel like an adventure. She’s funny, intelligent and compassionate. She knows the truth of what she shares not because of the impressive number of certificates on her wall, but because she has LIVED it. She has done and continues to do her own work. I respect her highly and value deeply the contribution she has made to my life. I am forever changed.” In gratitude”


“I chose to work with Nancy because I felt an immediate connection when we first met. Her 90-day Rewire and Radiate program helped me create more peace, joy and love in my professional and personal life. Her spiritual guidance has been like no other I have experienced. One things I liked about her approach is her complete authenticity. As well as the volumes of information I can access forever! I have been guided and given tools in a most compassionate and caring way which have made significant positive changes in my life. Nancy is an amazing woman with amazing energy that she readily shares.I have recommended Nancy and will continue to for individual personal self-development and lifelong changes.”


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