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Cultivating patience and inner peace

Jun 16, 2023
Cultivating patience and inner peace

In conjunction with my Blog Talk Radio Show, this week the theme is Patience.

We all know patience is a virtue but have little time for it.  Learning the art of owning a sense of patience goes hand-and-hand with a sense of inner peace.

In your hurried life of multitasking and jumping from one thought to the next, take a moment to be still, close your eyes and choose to claim a life fully in this moment in time from a state of inner peace.  Infuse your mind, body and spirit with the following peaceful affirmations:

I choose to take a moment to relax and settle into the here and the now.  This is the moment being lived, so I choose to focus upon it and only it.

I choose to flow with life.  Everything is as it is supposed to be, so I allow the beauty of the here and now to unfold like a blossoming flower.

Though I may not see my dreams and desires manifesting in this moment in time, I rest in faith and trust in my ability to focus on my desired intention as the Universe patiently lines up life experiences to deliver my desired outcome.

Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of Awaken With Light, Inc., is a Usui Reiki master and teacher, Angel Intuitive Practitioner®, IET Advanced Practitioner®, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner.

You may find her at, Twitter @AwakenWithLight, LinkedIn, and . Nancy also has a weekly radio show on


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