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How to Handle Challenging Tasks

Jun 16, 2023

I love lists; I always have.  I recognize that I tend to be very methodical going about my day in list fashion.  However, I notice that I tend to procrastinate and skip over the tasks, when I can, that I don’t like doing or that don’t come easy to me because they are not my strengths.  Here are a few affirmations that I use when confronting, and find myself avoiding, such tasks or situations:

I choose to greet all tasks with a mindset; I will complete with ease.

All tasks propel me forward in my life experiences; I celebrate moving faithfully forward toward my desires.

I center, connect and ask for assistance from the universe to move through the task at hand envisioning what the experience would feel, look and be like once it is complete. 

By Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of Awaken With Light, Inc., Usui Reiki master and teacher, Angel Intuitive Practitioner®, IET Advanced Practitioner®, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner. You may find her at, Twitter @AwakenWithLight, LinkedIn, and . Nancy also has a weekly radio show on also available on iTunes.


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