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Live with an Open Heart

Jun 16, 2023

As human beings, we all have experienced our hearts being hurt even broken.  We have had our feelings hurt and yes even crushed.  It is vitally important that such experiences do not cause us to look through scornful eyes or emanate a vibration of resentment, betrayal or flat out meanness.

Instead, check in with yourself and encourage yourself to do the opposite.  I know at this point you are saying, “Sure Nancy…sure.”  When you want to walk the path of awareness you view life from an expansive viewpoint.  You rise above the situation.

In hurtful situations, encourage yourself to keep your heart open and your emotions filled with compassion, tenderness and love for yourself.  When this mindset is encouraged, we begin to feel compassionate toward others.

Here are some affirmations to promote this mindset:

I allow my heart to feel and experience love for myself first then others.

The more I am open to love the safer it will become. 

I trust and have faith in the power of the Universal Flow of Love.  I rest in this, and it is so.

Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of Awaken With Light, Inc., is a Usui Reiki master and teacher, Angel Intuitive Practitioner®, IET Advanced Practitioner®, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner.

You may find her at, Twitter @AwakenWithLight, LinkedIn, and .


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