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Lovingly Assertive

Jun 16, 2023

For the majority of my life, I had a desire to please others often at the expense of my own feelings and desires.  As I began my journey of self-exploration, I discovered that I did not really know Self.  I found myself molding to others desires and adapting to their wishes convincing myself that I liked going with the flow not bothering others and being amenable.  Some may perceive these as desirable traits; however, I had no sense of self because I was too concerned with pleasing others and keeping peace.  I believe you can be adaptable and go with the flow as a conscious choice aware of what you are doing and knowing that it feels comfortable and right.  Knowing who you are allows you to keep a strong sense of Self so you don’t become a chameleon changing colors to survive.

Here are some affirmations to support a healthy sense of self:

It is safe for me to explore how I truly feel about a situation, or experience in life. As I explore I might find what used to feel good or aligned with me does not anymore and that is A-okay.

As I look at myself, I accept all aspects of self.  I am uniquely my own and I do not have to be like those I love and care about to fit in. 

I am comfortable being me and when I choose to compromise in a life experience that involves others I continue to stay true to self.

Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of Awaken With Light, Inc., is a Usui Reiki master and teacher, Angel Intuitive Practitioner®, IET Advanced Practitioner®, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner.

You may find her at, Twitter @AwakenWithLight, LinkedIn, and . Nancy also has a weekly radio show on also available on iTunes.


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