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We are Limitless Beings

Jun 16, 2023

We are limitless beings filled with infinite possibility!  I don’t know about you, but for me that gives me a high.  I know there are times I think restrictive thoughts about my abilities; however, I live in full awareness that is my perception and it is an illusion I create.

I also know that my mind is powerful and behaves as I think it will.  So why not tap into the collective consciousness of the Divine Intellect and Universal wisdom that is accessible to everyone?  That is, harness some power!

Here are a few affirmations to encourage that mindset:

Just like an acorn I am full of limitless potential to become a mighty oak tree!

I choose to tap in and open myself up to receive the Universal flow of Positive Energy all around me.

The Sky Is the Limit to what I can manifest I only need to maintain faith and have clear intentions and remain focused.

Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of Awaken With Light, Inc., is a Usui Reiki master and teacher, Angel Intuitive Practitioner®, IET Advanced Practitioner®, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner.

You may find her at, Twitter @AwakenWithLight, LinkedIn, and .


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