Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Learn to Let Go and Get What You Want Jun 12, 2023

Do you find yourself in a stall pattern not moving in the direction or in the situation in life that you hoped to be? Often we find ourselves in patterns, and we may not be aware of them, yet ...

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Create What You Want in Life Jun 10, 2023

We are powerful creators in our own lives. What we give to the world, we receive back. Through our mindful practice, we can foster a deep sense of awareness of the present moment, accept what ...

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Choose Peace Not Fear Jun 05, 2023

To be a peacemaker, we have to choose to be peaceful and be at peace.  A very tall order when all around us we see strife and turmoil; however, that is when it is most needed. Concentrate on what

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Mindful Living: Create What You Want in Life May 25, 2023

We are powerful creators in our own lives. What we give to the world, we receive back. Through our mindful practice, we can foster a deep sense of awareness of the present moment, accept what is a

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What is Enlightenment May 25, 2023

“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”

To me, this is a gentle reminder that to be enlightened does not make you somehow less human it simply cha...

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How to Nurture Your Spirit May 25, 2023

As kids head back to school and everyone settles into their fall schedule, I want you to ask yourself this question:  “What am I doing to nurture myself, my inner spirit?” I would suggest that thi

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Choose the Power of Positivity May 25, 2023

Today, I want you to set the intention to have a “No Complaints” policy. Watch, with awareness, your language and be on the lookout for negative or judgmental expressions. Remember, when we indulg

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Create Your Deepest Desire May 25, 2023

Today, I want you to focus on your deepest desire. When I ask that question, I get responses such as “I need a new job.” or “I want to be happy in my marriage.” These are the results of what you d

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Make Time for Yourself May 25, 2023

As we head into a new season, we are adjusting to the new routines for ourselves and those around us. We are adapting to fewer daylight hours to enjoy outdoor activities and any new requirements.

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Choose Peace in the Midst of Chaos May 25, 2023

I love this quote:

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of these things and still be calm in your heart. – Unknown

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Release Anger and Live with Peace May 25, 2023

Having my practice for nine years now, I have noticed that anger wears many disguises. Sometimes it is as blatant as yelling and screaming or the deadly silent treatment but other times it is a sarcas...

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Mindfully Respond to Life and Choose not to React May 25, 2023

Have you noticed how several individuals can view the same news piece on television or read the same article and walk away with a different reaction and interpretation? We each see the world throu

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