Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Honoring Your Feelings Jun 16, 2023

Honoring ourselves and our feelings is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.  Many times we allow others to convince us that our feelings are not valid or that we are too sensitive.  Is there such ...

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Playful Spirit Jun 16, 2023

Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in life’s seriousness. Sure life has its moments that deserve this characteristic, but maybe a little less seriousness might actually promote or initiate cr...

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God’s Loving Light Jun 16, 2023

Every morning I set my alarm a half hour before I actually have to get up.  I have several morning rituals, but one I want to share today is I imagine my whole day and I send love, joy, harmony, peace...

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The Peace You Desire is Within Jun 16, 2023

Some days you might feel restless and unsettled…we are so busy striving for a sense of peace in our lives that we forget we can create it as we move through experiences and tasks throughout our day.

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Transforming Negative Self-Talk Jun 16, 2023

At times, I am my own worst critic. When I realize I am hard on myself verbally, using sentences that begin with “I can’t” with thoughts like “I should have done” or “I’m just not…”

I know these pa...

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Take a Deep Breath Jun 16, 2023

How many times throughout your busy day do you take a moment and connect to your breath?  I find myself getting caught up in my daily activities and tasks and realize that stopping to connect to the f...

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Journey Within Jun 16, 2023

What are my real needs, wants, and desires?  What do I need, right now, for me?  Explore these questions off the top of your head and then consider them while spending time quietly centered; notice if...

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Live with an Open Heart Jun 16, 2023

As human beings, we all have experienced our hearts being hurt even broken.  We have had our feelings hurt and yes even crushed.  It is vitally important that such experiences do not cause us to loo...

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Honesty Holds a Master Key Jun 16, 2023

Honesty holds a master key in every aspect of our life. If we greet life being honest, first with ourselves, we are better able to show up honestly in our relationships or our interactions with othe...

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Take A Breath Jun 16, 2023

Have you ever noticed that you hold your breath under stress or when you have an emotional response to a situation?  If you tense up, say while you are driving or carrying a load of groceries up a fli...

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Oh Yeah, I’m breathing… 07/05 by Awaken Your Connection | Blog Talk Radio Jun 16, 2023

Please enjoy my first Blog Talk Radio – July 5, 2013

Title:  Oh Yeah, I’m breathing

We typically do not notice our breath and the power it holds in feeding our body.  Our breathing patterns change a...

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We are Limitless Beings Jun 16, 2023

We are limitless beings filled with infinite possibility!  I don’t know about you, but for me that gives me a high.  I know there are times I think restrictive thoughts about my abilities; however, I ...

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