Do you remember when you were a child, and you looked at every experience with wonderment and awe? The smallest of things were fascinating, like seeing a lightning bug in the summer night sky. As
 Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™
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Today notice how specific thoughts drain your energy and others uplift. Everything is energy. For instance, ever notice how anger and fear feel heavy and lower in vibrational frequency, and feelings l...
Do you get stressed out around the holidays? Some people love them, and some people feel even worse, especially when they have to deal with certain people that increase their stress.
Here are five wa...
Life is always changing and evolving. For instance, we see it in the change of seasons no two plants grow the same from season to season. Nature shows us how to remain open and allow
...A gentle reminder that you bring a special healing light to humanity. Rest in support of the Universe and allow that light to shine. Each Soul is unique and precious in its own way. You may not ha
...I invite you to free yourself from re-living the continual suffering of the past and choose to be in the present moment. No matter how potent the past might have been open yourself to self-awarene
...Do you find yourself stuck in a pattern that is not beneficial or in alignment with what you want? Be mindfully aware of when you are having these feelings, and choose to let go of the emotional s
...Do you find yourself stuck in a pattern that is not beneficial or in alignment with what you want? Be mindfully aware of when you are having these feelings, and choose to let go of the emotional s
...Take a moment right now and check in with yourself, do you trust the natural flow of what is occurring in the present moment? This question is not a trick, and there is no right or wrong answer. W
...There may be times when awareness and responsiveness to your needs are necessary for the health and wholeness of your being. During those times, it is essential to mindfully check-in with
...Are you finding yourself seeing only what’s wrong in your life? Take a breath, and consider all that is right in your life, and choose to celebrate the smallest of experiences.
I have found for s
...In my years of mentoring, I have noticed that the majority of my clients are influenced by their inner child primarily when it comes to emotionally charged moments. Think about it for a moment.