Often we grip on tightly to life, our life experiences or situations, for fear if we don’t somehow control or worry about whatever is occurring it will not turn out the way we have planned. In the
 Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™
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People ask me all the time how I stay so calm and peaceful all the time. Those close to me know the fires I have walked through and the challenges I have faced. The peace and calm I exude are by c
...Awareness and acceptance of the present moment are filled with much potential; the mere thought of sharing this concept today with you sends a rush of tingles through my body!
When we live notici
...Often as we begin to spiritually grow and change our perceptions of the world around us, we may feel like we have outgrown certain situations or experiences in our life. Like a plant outgrowing a
...I want you to look at your present moment life experience, and ask yourself, “Am I building bridges or building walls?”
As you explore your inner world free of judgment, observing your interactio
...Have you ever read the book, The Magic by Rhonda Byrne? I encourage you to feed your mind with positive, inspirational soul food. Such a mindset can help you stay aware of living with positivity!
...As we head into the season of light, the season of giving, I was inspired in meditation to reflect on random acts of kindness. As you go about your day, I ask that you take a moment when interacti
...Do you ever find yourself worrying about an upcoming situation? For example, do you catch yourself saying after you sneeze, “Oh no, am I starting to catch a cold? I can’t get sick over the holiday
...As we end this year, I suggest that you use this time as an opportunity to re-release the past. Take notice of what you are holding onto and living with the power of awareness pay attention to wha
...Allow grace to infuse all that has troubled you or inspired you so that it may unfold with Divine Perfection. Grace is one of those words that is packed with so many meanings; one can define and r
...One of my favorite hymns is, “Let there be Peace on Earth” written by Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller. The words resonate with me this year going into the New Year. Here are a few of the lyrics
...One of my favorite exercises to do when I am feeling a shift or change, a period of self-awareness that I am going through some growth, is something called “morning pages.” This exercise was intro