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Celebrate the Little Things gentle reflection Jul 06, 2018

If you would like to experience more happiness in your life, the first action is to choose joy in your present moment. You may be feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and I understand that; however,...

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Invite the Natural Flow into your Life gentle reflection Jun 29, 2018

Remember you are a powerful co-creator of what you experience in life. Often we get bogged down by forcefully creating and managing every detail to achieve a goal and many times those details...

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Embrace Stillness this Summer Jun 22, 2018

I love summer and all that it has to offer:  warmer days and more sunshine. Often summer also brings a busy schedule as we try to embrace the joys of the summer months. With that in mind...

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What do you want to see in the world? Jun 15, 2018

Our world is a reflection of the people who live in it. We often refer to all those inhabiting the planet as the collective. We are all One, we all breathe the same air and affect those around us...

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Let Go of Stress Jun 08, 2018

Striving for Inner Peace in the midst of drama, chaos, or any experience that is less than desirable is difficult for the most mindful person. In many situations, we can fend off the pressure of...

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Have you said thank you today? gentle reflection May 18, 2018

Thinking and saying with deliberate intention, thank you generates a positive feeling like no other. If you tune into how gratitude feels, it is a state of euphoria no matter how small a glimpse....

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When is the last time you were silly? May 18, 2018

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

My children know I am always good for a crazy voice...

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Do you find yourself critical of everything? May 11, 2018

Let me ask you, would you like to attract more of what you don’t want? No, I didn’t think so. Have you created a pattern of complaining? Complaining is an affirmation of the opposite...

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You Are Enough gentle reflection May 04, 2018

A gentle reminder, you are enough, just as you are. Lovingly accepting the person you are, your feelings, thoughts, and values, the total package is the best gift for overall health you can give...

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Are you Reliving the Past in the Present? Apr 27, 2018

Do you find yourself hanging onto the past, reliving old hurts and negative experiences? Those attachments cause suffering and intrude upon your ability to live fully in the present. The moments...

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What is the key to dealing with Lifeā€™s Challenges? Apr 20, 2018

We can’t avoid pain, but we can prevent amplifying it to high levels of suffering. How? By choosing a state-of-mind of accepting what is in the present moment. Furthermore, you don’t...

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How much time do you spend ruminating? gentle reflection Apr 13, 2018

Although it is natural and can be healthy to self-reflect over-thinking can quickly turn to negative self-talk that is excessive and repetitive. This over-thinking pattern is like a car stuck in...

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