Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Enjoy Your Path Jun 16, 2023

At times when I have experienced growing pains I am constantly reminded in my quiet meditative time to see the good that comes from every juncture and every path. Each path takes you right where you n...

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Live in the Present Jun 16, 2023

I have cultivated the practice of living in the here and now with much effort over the last five years.  However, we live in a world that is dictated by the future, tending to rob us of th

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Smiles are Contagious Jun 16, 2023

We have all heard when you smile the world smiles back at you.  Today own a smile and share it.  You can and will inspire others with your own.  Here are some affirmations to encourage you

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Balance is the Name of the Game Jun 16, 2023

Balance is truly the name of the game!  Though we all are aware of this, when requirements in the day become lopsided we get sucked into the mindset there is not enough time in the day and

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Greet Life with an Open Heart Jun 16, 2023

Learning to greet your life with an open heart makes life experiences a bit more vulnerable and emotional.  Living life connected to how your heart feels about life choices brings a sense

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Compassionate Power Jun 16, 2023

Owning my own personal power can feel really comfortable at times and other times quite the opposite!  I gently remind myself I owe it to myself and those around me to allow the beauty of loving,

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The Ripple Effect Jun 16, 2023

I believe that my thoughts cause a ripple effect, by being an instrument of peace and grace I can affect all those around me.  On a daily basis, we can all choose to live in awareness of o

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Guilt Jun 16, 2023

Guilt can come wrapped in all kinds of packaging.  As I continue to grow in awareness of self, I realize the immense power this five letter word can have.  No matter how this emotion shows up in m

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Live in the Moment Jun 16, 2023

Returning to the groove of set schedules with school and school activities and all the other stressors that also come into play with this change in routine, I remind myself nothing gets accomplish

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How do you feel about being the greatest YOU? Jun 16, 2023

Humility is an attribute and a desirable quality worth maintaining. However, there is a balance that needs to be maintained with the realization of your best qualities and humility. Know that ther

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How to live life with purpose! Jun 16, 2023

I will never forget years ago when I begin my self-exploratory journey, and my mentor said something to the effect, “Don’t go searching for life-purpose but live life with purpose.”

That belief h

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How to Feel Refreshed Jun 16, 2023

If I have had a particularly draining day, I have a ritual to assist me in cutting the cords of stress and releasing all the tension of the day.  I begin by taking a symbolic shower.  I allow the

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